Monthly Archives: May 2011

Summa, Summa, Summa Time!

I can go outside without a jacket, without closed toed shoes, and in need of some glasses that block the harsh rays of the sun! Which means spring is here, and summer is almost here and my skin is that much closer to no longer being the color of a “flesh” colored crayon (last night Jon and I were comparing our face colors in the mirror and literally laughing at how pale I am).

Summer also means I am now taking applications for summer tunes to listen to loudly in my car. This one already made the cut! DISCLAIMER: There’s a boobie in the beginning of the video. “Don’t let it scare you” as Luke said when he sent me this video to watch. C’mon, it’s just a little boobie.

Things I like about this video: girls licking inanimate objects and a Casio keyboard
Things I don’t like about this video: It ends.

UPDATE!: I also just saw this. All I can say is I love a good music video cameo….or twelve.

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Strep Makes Me Unproductive

I’ve had strep throat since Sunday. Don’t worry, you can’t catch it. I’ve been on antibiotics since Monday aka OVER 48 hours AKA I’m no longer contagious. Although, don’t sit on my couch. I hung out on that thing for 3 days straight sneezing, snotting, and fevering all over it. It’s clearly a breeding ground for strep.

Anyway, I have a video to share. It’s our friend Simon who, for some reason, goes by Boomrad Washington on Facebook. Probably because he knows he’ll be famous soon and he needs to hide from his fans or else it will be pure Facebook pandemonium. Why will he be famous? Because he’s an amazing guitar player and an equally amazing singer. His voice is very original I think.


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Filed under Recipes

Luke’s Random Emails!

Welcome to another edition of “Luke’s Random Emails!” I really liked this next video. I want this guy to be the god father of my future children. Seriously.
Good job Luke at finding this one.

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